Foto of Alexander Bartz
Alexander Bartz blog

Here, I’ll be sharing my journey through the world of IT, discussing everything from current trends to exciting projects. I invite you to explore with me, contribute your thoughts, and join in on the conversation. Let’s navigate the fascinating world of IT together!

Recent posts

WordPress with Blazor

Welcome, .NET developers! In this article, we will show you step by step how to take advantage by using WordPress with Blazor. See how you can integrate powerful Blazor components into your WordPress blog

Blazor Sankey diagram

A Sankey diagram is a flow chart that shows quantities or flows between processes. The arrow width shows the magnitude of the flows.

Top 10 Causes of Technical Debt

In the fast-paced world of software development, there’s a lurking specter that can come back to haunt even the most dedicated teams: technical debt.

About Me

I am Alexander Bartz, a graduate computer scientist (FH) with over 15 years of practical experience. Together with my business partner Dominik Sapinski I run the company soft-evolution.

My main activities are .NET consulting services, advising companies on the successful implementation of IT projects and the technical management of internal projects. My expertise in software development with C# / .NET, databases, Big Data and machine learning allows me to provide modern and powerful solutions for your projects. Over the years, I have gained valuable experience in the successful implementation of many projects of different sizes.

“In the realm of IT, I believe in listening, understanding, and being a steadfast partner for success. No matter the size of the project, together we’ll navigate the complexities to find the best solution for your triumph.”

Alexander Bartz

From the Crispycode Blog

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