Dynamic Solar Power Calculator Demo

Whether you’re interested in exploring the potential of solar power for your home or office, or you’re a developer looking to understand the implementation basics, you’ve come to the right place.

To calculate an estimate of how much energy you can gain at your site, simply fill in a few parameters below. If you’re interested in the calculation, read on.

Playing With The Solar Power Calculator

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Solar System:

Solar Power Output Results

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The Technology Behind It


Solar power is becoming an increasingly important part of the world’s energy mix. With the continuous advancements in technology and the growing awareness of the environmental impacts of fossil fuels, more and more people are turning to solar power as a sustainable energy solution. However, harnessing the power of the sun is not as simple as just installing solar panels on your roof. There are many factors to consider, including the location of the solar system, the orientation and tilt of the panels, the specific type of solar modules and inverters used, and the local weather conditions.

This is where solar power calculation comes into play. Solar power calculation is the process of estimating the amount of electricity that a solar system can produce based on various input parameters. It involves complex calculations and modeling techniques to accurately predict the energy output of a solar system.

One of the tools that can help with solar power calculation is the PVLIB Python library. PVLIB stands for Photovoltaic LIBrary, and it’s a set of Python packages for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems. PVLIB was developed by researchers at Sandia National Laboratories and it’s widely used in both academia and industry for solar power research and development.

In this article, we will dive deep into the world of solar power calculation with PVLIB. We will start by setting up PVLIB in a Python environment, then we will explain the different input parameters required for the calculation. We will go through the process of choosing appropriate solar modules and inverters, modeling the temperature of the solar system, obtaining weather data, and creating a PV system and a model chain with PVLIB. Finally, we will discuss how to calculate the Direct Normal Irradiation and the energy output of the solar system using the results from the model chain.

So, whether you’re a solar power enthusiast looking to install a solar system at home, or a professional working in the solar power industry, this article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to calculate solar power output using PVLIB. Let’s get started!

Getting Started with PVLIB

PVLIB, short for Photovoltaic LIBrary, is a robust and versatile tool that brings the power of solar energy system simulation to the Python environment. Developed by researchers at Sandia National Laboratories, it has quickly become a go-to resource for academics and professionals in the solar energy sector.

PVLIB is an open-source Python package designed for simulating the performance of photovoltaic energy systems. Its primary purpose is to support the development, testing, and improvement of solar energy systems. It does this by providing a set of well-documented methods and models for simulating the performance of photovoltaic modules and inverters, the key components of any solar energy system.

To get started with PVLIB, you first need to install it in your Python environment. If you are using Python’s default package manager pip, you can install PVLIB by running the following command in your terminal:


For those using the Anaconda distribution of Python, which is particularly popular among data scientists and machine learning practitioners, you can use the conda package manager to install PVLIB:


Once PVLIB is installed, you can import it into your Python script like any other Python package:


You’re now ready to start exploring the capabilities of PVLIB. In the following sections, we will walk through the various components of a solar power calculation, from defining the input parameters to choosing the right solar modules and inverters, to modeling the temperature and obtaining the weather data, and finally, creating the PV system and the model chain. Along the way, we’ll show you how PVLIB can be used to simplify and streamline each of these steps. So let’s dive in!

Input Parameters for Solar Power Calculation

When estimating the power output of a solar system, several key input parameters are required. Each one plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. Understanding these parameters is the first step in harnessing the power of the sun.

1. Latitude and Longitude

The geographical location of the solar system is crucial for any solar power calculation. This is because the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface varies depending on the latitude and longitude. Typically, locations closer to the equator receive more sunlight than those closer to the poles. In PVLIB, the latitude and longitude are provided as decimal degrees.

2. Heading

The heading, also known as the azimuth angle, refers to the direction that the solar panels face. It is measured in degrees from the true north, with east being 90 degrees, south 180 degrees, and west 270 degrees. The optimal heading depends on the location, but in the Northern Hemisphere, panels often face south to receive maximum sunlight.

3. Tilt

The tilt or inclination of the solar panels also significantly impacts the amount of sunlight they capture. This is the angle between the panels and the ground. A tilt of 0 degrees means the panels are laying flat, while a tilt of 90 degrees means they are standing vertically. The optimal tilt varies depending on the latitude and the season.

4. Altitude

Altitude refers to the height above sea level of the location where the solar panels are installed. Higher altitudes receive more solar radiation due to the thinner atmosphere.

5. Timezone

The timezone is required to align the solar data with the local time. In PVLIB, the timezone is provided as a string, such as ‘UTC’, ‘America/New_York’, or ‘Europe/Berlin’.

6. Solar System Configuration

The solar system configuration refers to the specific type of solar modules and inverters used in the system. These components significantly impact the efficiency and performance of the system. In PVLIB, the configuration can be selected from the SandiaMod and CECInverter databases, which we will discuss in more detail in the next section.

Understanding these input parameters is crucial for any solar power calculation. In the following sections, we will discuss how to choose the right solar modules and inverters, how to model the temperature of the solar system, and how to obtain weather data using PVLIB. With these tools at your disposal, you will be well-equipped to estimate the power output of any solar system.

Selecting Solar Modules and Inverters with PVLIB

In the context of solar energy, a module is a set of photovoltaic cells combined into a single entity, typically encased in a protective glass or plastic cover. An inverter, on the other hand, is a device that converts the direct current (DC) produced by the solar cells into alternating current (AC), which is the standard form of electricity used in most homes and businesses.

The performance and efficiency of a solar energy system depend to a large extent on the quality of the modules and inverters used. PVLIB provides access to two comprehensive databases that can help you choose the right components for your system: the Sandia Module database and the CEC Inverter database.

Sandia Module Database

The Sandia Module database contains a wide range of data on various types of photovoltaic modules, including their electrical and thermal performance parameters. This information can be used to simulate the performance of different types of modules under various environmental conditions.

Here’s how you can access the Sandia Module database in PVLIB:


This command retrieves the Sandia Module database as a Python dictionary. Each key in the dictionary represents a different type of photovoltaic module, and the associated value is another dictionary containing the module’s performance parameters.

CEC Inverter Database

The CEC Inverter database, maintained by the California Energy Commission (CEC), contains data on the efficiency and power output of various types of inverters. This data can be used to simulate the performance of different inverters and to choose the one that best matches the chosen solar modules.

To access the CEC Inverter database in PVLIB, you can use the following command:


Just like the Sandia Module database, the CEC Inverter database is retrieved as a Python dictionary, with each key representing a different type of inverter and the associated value being another dictionary containing the inverter’s performance parameters.

By selecting the right solar modules and inverters, you can ensure that your solar energy system performs at its peak. In the next section, we’ll look at how to model the temperature of the solar system, an important factor in solar power calculation.

Temperature Modeling for Solar Systems

The temperature of a solar panel significantly impacts its performance. As temperature increases, the efficiency of a solar panel generally decreases. Therefore, accurately modeling the temperature of a solar panel is crucial when estimating the power output of a solar system.

PVLIB provides a range of temperature models that can be used to estimate the operating temperature of a solar panel based on various environmental conditions. Among these, the open_rack_glass_glass temperature model is a commonly used option that is suitable for a wide range of solar installations.

The open_rack_glass_glass model is used for solar panels mounted on an open rack with a glass-to-glass construction. This type of construction uses a glass backing instead of the traditional plastic, resulting in better durability and longevity.

Here’s how you can use the open_rack_glass_glass temperature model in PVLIB:


This line of code retrieves the parameters for the open_rack_glass_glass temperature model as a Python dictionary. These parameters can then be used with the pvlib.temperature.sapm_cell function to estimate the operating temperature of a solar cell based on the ambient temperature and the amount of sunlight it’s receiving.


In this function, poa_global is the plane of array irradiance in watts per square meter, temp_air is the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius, and wind_speed is the wind speed in meters per second. The function returns the estimated cell temperature in degrees Celsius.

By accurately modeling the temperature of your solar system, you can get a more precise estimate of its power output. Up next, we’ll discuss how to use PVLIB to obtain weather data for your location.

Fetching Weather Data with PVLIB

To accurately estimate the power output of a solar system, we need real-world weather data specific to the location of the solar installation. This data typically includes parameters such as irradiance, temperature, and wind speed. PVLIB provides an easy way to fetch this data using the pvlib.iotools.get_pvgis_tmy function.

The function get_pvgis_tmy fetches Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) data from the PVGIS database. TMY data represents a typical year in terms of meteorological variables, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. It is derived from long-term weather data, typically over a period of several decades, and is useful for simulating the performance of solar energy systems.

Here’s how you can use this function to fetch TMY data for a specific location:


In this example, latitude and longitude represent the geographical coordinates of the location. The function returns four objects:

  • data is a pandas DataFrame containing the hourly TMY data.
  • months is a pandas DataFrame with monthly averaged TMY data.
  • inputs is a dictionary with the inputs used in the PVGIS TMY calculation.
  • meta is a dictionary with additional metadata.

The hourly TMY data includes a variety of meteorological parameters, such as global horizontal irradiance, direct normal irradiance, diffuse horizontal irradiance, temperature, and wind speed.

By fetching TMY data specific to your location, you can more accurately simulate the performance of your solar system. In the next section, we’ll see how to bring all these components together to create a PVSystem and ModelChain in PVLIB.

Combining Elements: Creating a PVSystem and ModelChain

Now that we have all the necessary components (modules, inverters, temperature model, and weather data), we can put them all together to simulate a photovoltaic system using PVLIB. The key classes for this are PVSystem and ModelChain.


The PVSystem object in PVLIB represents a collection of modules and inverters, along with some additional parameters related to the system such as the surface tilt and azimuth. Here’s how we create a PVSystem:


In this example, module and inverter are the selected module and inverter from the SandiaMod and CECInverter databases respectively. temperature_model_parameters is the dictionary of parameters for the chosen temperature model.


A ModelChain object in PVLIB represents a sequence of modeling steps for a PVSystem. Given the system parameters, weather data, and a few configuration details, it can calculate the system’s performance.

Creating a ModelChain requires a PVSystem and location (a Location object) as its main inputs. We also provide the weather data when we run the ModelChain:


In this example, system is the PVSystem we just created, location is a Location object representing the geographical location of the system, and data is the weather data we fetched using get_pvgis_tmy.

The run_model method calculates the performance of the system for the given weather data. The results are stored in the mc object and can be accessed as mc.total_irrad, mc.temps, and mc.ac among others.

Direct Normal Irradiation and Energies

Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI) and energies are crucial outputs of the model chain. DNI represents the amount of solar radiation received per unit area by a surface that is always held perpendicular (or normal) to the direction to the sun. The energies output represents the amount of AC power produced by the system.


By combining PVSystem and ModelChain, we can effectively estimate the performance of a solar power system given the modules, inverters, temperature model, and weather data.

And that concludes our deep dive into PVLIB and the Python code behind solar power calculations. Whether you’re an engineer, a researcher, or a solar enthusiast, we hope you found this guide insightful and practical. With the power of Python and PVLIB, the sky’s the limit when it comes to exploring and understanding the world of solar energy.

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